Redefine Rest
There’s this idea that REST means being at a standstill. And sometimes, yes, that is exactly what our bodies need.
But for some of us, being at a standstill does. not. feel. good. Binge watching tv all day is not a form of rest for me- it’s a sign that I’ve crashed and burned and am overwhelmed and need to turn my brain off. And I don’t usually feel more well rested afterwards. Usually the opposite- filled with guilt that I spent the day doing something that I didn’t actually want to do, but didn’t know how else to cope.
Let’s redefine rest.
What if... rest = flow.
Have you ever done something where time disappears and everything flows? Even if you’ve been “active” or doing something, you are revitalized and energized? I’ve experienced this flow while painting, surfing, doing yoga, and even working! And have heard from others entering this state while running, sailing, hiking.
What if... rest = recharging.
Even our phones need to “rest.” When we charge our phones, we are giving it more energy.
What leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized- full of life and energy?
So what does rest mean for you? How will you “rest” today?