Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude

Don’t Dig Up In Doubt What Was Planted In Faith


Your soul knows the truth.
You've dreamed the big vision.
You've planted the seeds.

Doubt will come up.
Fear will come up.

It will tell you all the lies of how you can't do it.
It's just trying to keep you safe.
It's keeping you in the comfort zone.

Dreamer, believer, go-getter, visionary, explorer.
You're here for a reason.
You're here to create a new world, a new paradigm.
You're meant to explore the uncharted territories.
To pave the way and be the guiding light for those after you.
You're here to make big changes.

Come back to yourself.
Come back to your higher self.
Come back to your truth.

Hold it.
See it.
Be it.

Keep going.

Don't dig up in doubt what was planted in faith.

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Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude

You Are Your Own Guru


You are your own guru. Everything is already within you. Sweet soul, the answers that you're searching for are already within you, waiting to be uncovered and discovered. There is wisdom to be found in all that you do. There are lifetimes and generations of wisdom within you waiting to be awakened. All you need to do is get quiet enough to listen. To quiet the mind that has accumulated the voices of others telling you what to do, to quiet the voices that criticize and tell you that you can't. It's an excavation of messy, scattered, habitual, patterned thoughts, until you reach the nectar of truth. You feel it in your bones. You feel it in your heart. You feel it in your very being. You know. Remember your own wisdom and your own truth. You are your own guru.

Guru means bringer of light, dispeller of darkness.

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.
I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.

Questions for contemplation:
How can I be my own guru?
What have I been told about how I "should" live life that does not resonate with me?
What do I believe?
How can I find the answers within?
What is causing me to think that I am not enough and that I need to look outside of myself?

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Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude Intuitive Messages, Poetry Melissa Patenaude

Their Criticism Is Not You


Sweet soul, the cutting criticisms you've endured throughout your life- they are not you.
They are often a reflection of the inner state of the person who spoke them.
They were in pain and they wanted you to see their pain.
They wanted to be acknowledged, and they lassoed you to join them in their pain.
You don't have to stay there.

You don't have to stay there.
You don't have to stay there.

Remember the good that you are.
You don't have to spend your life proving them wrong.

Perhaps those criticisms told you were too bright, too much,
and that you needed to dim down for those around you. 
Shine bright,
because the world needs your light. 
Allow those who are searching for light to come to you. 
You don't have to fix them.
They are not your responsibility.
You simply have to be you.
Do what you do.
Be who you are.
Speak truth and kindness.
May light-seekers be inspired your light to find their own. 
You are whole and complete.
You are good enough.
You are exactly where you need to be. 

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