Rags to Riches


We love a rags to riches success story.
And we’ve heard this phrase countless times- “hard work pays off.”

And while these can be helpful and inspirational, its also led myself and so many women that I’ve worked with to place our worthiness in the struggle.

The belief that it’s only valid and worthwhile if it’s really f*cking hard, and if it was easy, then something must be wrong.

This belief kept me in a toxic and abusive relationship for over a decade because “it’s worth fighting for.”

This belief has led me to constantly think I wasn’t doing enough at my design jobs because they were easy. It’s kept me in shame about growing up with privilege like always having a roof over my head and food on the table, and having my college tuition mostly paid for.

It kept me believing that I am only worthy and valid to speak about making dreams come true if I came from poverty.

It’s led me to place my worthiness and validation in the trauma and the struggles that I’ve overcome.


It can be easy.

You are worthy no matter what.

No matter where you came from, no matter what you did or didn’t overcome, no matter what privilege or struggle you’ve had.

You are worthy no matter how much money you make or don’t make.

You are worthy no matter how easy or hard work is.

You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.

x Mona


Let The Masks Fall


My Daily Meditation Practice